
Sales Intern (Food and Beverage)

June - August 2018 • Oklahoma City, OK

What I liked

I worked on a project that really added value to the company. They love to spoil the interns and make sure that we’re getting prepared for the full-time job. I learned so much about the company and how it operates and I got to sit in on meetings with Vice Presidents. We also had weekly intern calls with employees across the country that told us about their job and their experience with Anheuser-Busch.

What I wish was different

I wish HR would have communicated a bit more effectively because all the sales interns were scattered across the country and sometimes I felt out of the loop.


Be flexible. This company is all about cross-functionality and experiencing new things and places. Work hard and it will pay off.
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Marketing Intern

May - August 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

Working at the corporate building at Anheuser-Busch, experiencing all aspect from the brewery.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten more experience from meetings. I wanted to be included in important marketing meetings about festivals and new contracts.


I would share to the next intern that they had to assert themself and ask to be included in more business meetings and events. At my next internship this summer with Momentum Worldwide, I will be sure to politely and assertively ask to get more experience.
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Brewery Trainee Program Intern

June - August 2018 • Houston, TX

What I liked

The people were great. I thought the process and environment were interesting which made work more fun.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more opportunities to meet people outside of my department. I also wish my projects had been more challenging. I felt underutilized.


When given your project, make sure you adjust the scope to be something manageable for the amount of time you have. Speak up about what you want to get out of your project as well.
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Research Pilot Brewery Co-Op

January - July 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

I loved the hands on experience and getting to learn about brewing. The culture of Anheuser Busch is one to defiantly be proud of.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to work more with my major and employ my knowledge as an Electrical Engineer.


This experience is very hands on and anyone working will be actually brewing and analyzing projects meant for future release.
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Sales Traning Program Intern

June - August 2018 • Pomona, CA

What I liked

I loved the challenging and meaningful work and the company culture was incredible. People in this company want to help you and give you opportunity.

What I wish was different

They give little notice and direction so it's all up to you to figure things out.


Be confident in yourself and your abilities.
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Brand ambassador

August - December 2017 • Tucson, AZ

What I liked

This job allows experience with a budget, account management/relationships, team work and goal setting.

What I wish was different

I wish the program was longer than just a semester.


Make sure you have a full understanding of the time commitment you'll have to make to the job
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Global Management Trainee Intern

June - August 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Exposure to many different functions within the company; the ability to take ownership of a summer-long project

What I wish was different

My project was less analytical than creative; I would have preferred something that required a more quantitative approach


Meet as many people from the company as you can and ask them for advice
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June 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

They have a comprehensive logistics trainee program where they teach you about all aspects of the business that logistics plays a part in. Also, free beer

What I wish was different



This business will move you around the US, and will have you working interesting hour. Be prepared to be flexible.
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Marketing Intern

June - August 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

My boss was very hands on throughout my entire experience and truly wanted me to succeed. I was given a lot or responsibility and worked on a project that was going to be used when I left. This was very rewarding for me, as my work was valued and wanted.

What I wish was different


There are so many fantastic people at any company, so taking advantage of those in all departments to learn more about the company and different roles is advantageous, especially at this age when everyone is still trying to figure out what to do!
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July - December 2016 • Baldwinsville, NY

What I liked

I gained a lot of leadership skills in this role as I was responsible for managing several brewers during a shift. I also learned a lot about the process of brewing and manufacturing beer and beverages in general.

What I wish was different

I did not enjoy working on a shift schedule. I would work three weeks on a shift and then switch. The three shifts were days, afternoons, and nights.


Ask tons of questions, but always write them down and the answers that you are given.
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Tour Guide

March 2016 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

The beer industry is growing and popular, so the content was fun to learn and discuss. Company is well-known and favorably viewed

What I wish was different

Work place could be unprofessional at time


Be ready to learn provided material and continuously broaden your knowledge about all parts of the operation. If you really enjoy the material, it will show through when engaging with guests
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