U.S. Department of Labor

Policy Analyst Intern

May - July 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Through my experience as a Policy and Research Intern at the US Department of Labor, I utilized relevant skills, such as research, social policy writing, and marketing that enabled me to contribute to the mission of opportunity and access for all women. Moreover, my internship afforded me the chance to really hone in on the strongest aspect or core identity of social justice, which in my personal opinion is teamwork. By working with a multitude of different persons and engaging in conversations of policy, culture, economics, and issues across the board, I was able to clearly understand the fundamental, foundational work that must be attended to before great change can prevail. I also heard from other agency directors similar messages of community and interagency collaboration as a key factor in their success.

What I wish was different

Before beginning my internship, I wish that I had a more sound basis of social policy work and what it entails. However, my supervisors was gracious enough to teach me the ropes and the inner workings of the federal government and thus I was able to quickly pick up on the pace and style of this type of work. If you are looking to pursue an internship with the federal government or in public service, I would strongly advise taking a class on social policy, movements and/or change because the systems in place can either be confusing or complicated when first faced with them. But do not forget, an excellent supervisor or co-worker can also show you the way if the path appears dark at first, but you must speak up and ask.


Do not be afraid to ask for informational interviews in other departments, agencies, etc! People are happy to chat with you and discuss what they do. I was able to meet many different types of employees in and outside the DOL.
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Legal Intern

August - November 2022 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Being exposed to a government legal office and learning about the field in my first internship.

What I wish was different

More people around the office as a lot we’re working remotely.


I learned many foundational skills by working at the DOL and was able to get westlaw certified which is which is extremely helpful in my future career.
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May - August 2016 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Worked at Women’s Bureau and also the EEOC office. Loved the hands-on mentorship, diverse experiences, opportunities to network with important stakeholders in the field, relevance to personal interests, and schedule flexibility.

What I wish was different

More work involving legal proceedings (I was mostly working on policy research and community outreach)


Even though I was originally only supposed to work for the Women’s Bureau, my mentor asked what other areas I was interested in and connected me with the director of another department. Consequently, I was able to simultaneously work in both departments and help plan a pivotal civil rights event. I advise interested classmates to keep an open mind, look for unexpected opportunities, and network as much as possible.
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Jr System Analyst

May - July 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Good coworkers, environment

What I wish was different

I wish the parking situation would have been different.


It was a good experience. If you are going to use the metro, buy their monthly pass plan. Saves time and a lot of hassle.
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June - August 2017 • Boston, MA

What I liked

My boss was a very well connected woman. She understood me and respected my needs as an unpaid intern.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been given more substantial work. I felt that my time was often not valued as it should have been and I was wildly bored most of the time.


Honestly, I would tell them to keep looking. I am not upset with my decision to work at the Women's Bureau, but I do wish things had been different.
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